As we know many of us would like to buy a dog, not only for ourselves but also for our children - and often under their strong pressure, so it is very important therefore to make our decision wisely, because the dog will become a new member of our family at least for the next 10 years.
Both Schnauzer and Chin have an will be great companions for our children and a family life, however, there are slight differences in their nature
which I would like to mention.
Schnauzers are very versatile dogs, they are suitable for both homes and flats.They are full of energy and they are not getting tired easily.
Any schnauzer with a big plesure will acompany us
for a long trip to the woods or mountains-but do not worry,if you are home-bird type,they do not need to do so and normal walk and bit of playing will be enough for a Schnauzer.
A big advantage is that schnauzers do not lose their hair, provided that they are cliped or trymuje, the rest of the care is limited to brushing the beard and legs once to twice a week.
They will be a wonderful companion for younger children and teenagers, both boys and girls.
If you're planning to purchase a schnauzer for newborn or toddler, it's best to choose a young puppy of 2-3 months of age.Puppy of so young ege will easilly get use to unexpected sounds and babys movements,and after few days it will treat it as invitation to play,or simply ignore them .
This strategy not only gives young animal time to adapt to the new situation, it also lern our child association with the dog from the youngest age.
From my own experience I would not recommend the purchase an adult Schnauzer for a small child (I mean child in age of 5 - 6 and less) - unless we have assurance that he was brought up with small children.Dogs not accustomed to children may respond aggressively to certain situations.
As for Chins a situation is a little different.
Chins by a nature are very sociable,they are also among a group of acompanying dogs.
They love to play,and every ocasion is good to do so..
They also love to have a long naps,and preferably together with it's owner .
They will enjoy a walk in the park,and will not need to have a long one.
Because of their small size, and the fact that they hardly ever bark they are perfect for flats.Their care is restricted to brushing them once a week, and their coat itself does not tend to... .
Chins are very sensitive dogs, their love for their owner is enormous.Where ever we will go ,they will follow .Chin always know what is our mood, if we are sad it will seek to comfort us, and when we have reason to be happy
it will enjoy our happiness.
Just as the Schnauzers,|Chins are ideal for children, in this case, however, thanks to their full of optimism character we can afford to buy for even a small baby not only a puppy,but a young or older dog as well,and even if it was not raised with children it normaly will not have a problem with this situation - I myself bought a 2 year old bitch(Lusi),and 8 months old male(Kevin), and although they were not raised with children ,both of them likes my 1,5 year old son a lot,and Kevin can play with my son for hours.
If you are deciding to buy a japanese chin you must be sure of your choice - these dogs are becoming very attached to their owner,they need to feel loved and wanted,and when left alone for a long time they can become unhappy.

16.05.2015 NDS Świebodzice
Spirited Away Fubuki Best Junior , BOB Junior , BOB !!!
Jesse's Northern Star V1,Best Puppy in Breed !!!
************************ Opole Club Show
Jesse's Northern Star V1,Best Puppy in Breed ,
BIS Puppy IV !!!
NDS Głogów
Spirited Away Fubuki V1,Best Puppy in Breed
IDS Bratislava
Kopykats Captain Crunch 2x V1, 2xCAC , 2xCACIB
NDS Zielona Góra
Kopykats Kaptain Crunch
Caruso Riko Star de Imperium Auri
1 , CAC , BOB , BIS II
IDS Brno
Tianshih Kawa Yuri